Impact Promotions

Video Production & Photography

Impact Promotions is a leading company specializing in crafting compelling direct advertising mailers for car dealerships nationwide. Built on trust, relationships, and expertise, the well-known company strives to capture unique visions and deliver proven results. CEO and Founder of Impact Promotions, Rick Smith, engaged the UNANIMOUS team's expertise to create two distinct videos. The first serves as a comprehensive brand video, capturing the essence of Impact Promotions. The second video is aimed at promoting Rick Smith's non-profit foundation, "Helping Kids Help Kids."

Rick Smith playing guitar

Professional Video Production

With the video production scheduled to take place on the East Coast, the UNANIMOUS team recognized the critical significance of meticulous pre-production planning and logistics.

After developing a thorough schedule and shot list while coordinating all necessary interviews for both projects, the UNANIMOUS video production crew embarked on a three-day production session in Charlotte, North Carolina. Following the shoot, the footage was expertly edited into two distinct brand videos: one centered on the narrative of Impact Promotions and the other dedicated to showcasing the nonprofit's mission.

Helping Kids Help Kids

Established by Rick Smith, the proprietor of Impact Promotions, the nonprofit organization named “Helping Kids Help Kids” is dedicated to facilitating connections between car dealerships and local charities. In this specific campaign, the objective was to spotlight the Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte, North Carolina, as the inaugural charity partner of Impact Promotions for this initiative. This video was crafted to raise awareness about the nonprofit and highlight its impact.