UNANIMOUS helps Nebraska Celebrate 150 years

Today at the Capitol, Governor Ricketts and First Lady Shore announced four new websites created to help celebrate Nebraska’s sesquicentennial in 2017.
Two of the websites aimed at increasing volunteerism and fitness were designed and developed by UNANIMOUS.
NebraskaImpact.com encourages people to volunteer 150 hours or more in 2017. Through the website, people can find volunteer opportunities across the state, log volunteer hours, sign up for volunteering teams, or compete against other teams. Organizations can also register and add volunteerism opportunities.
Similarly, NE150Challenge.com encourages people to log 150 fitness hours next year. In addition to logging fitness hours, people can again join or compete against other teams. The website features links to the state’s recreation areas, information about fitness events, and healthy living tips. Organizations planning fitness events can also add them to the statewide calendar.
Both websites also reward visitors with custom digital badges when they reach certain milestones.“UNANIMOUS is proud to be a part of helping Nebraskans celebrate 150 years in such a positive and impactful way,” commented President Trent Wilcox.
UNANIMOUS is a full-service branding agency based in the heart of the Midwest—Lincoln, Nebraska. We work with clients to develop strong brand alignment through strategic marketing, logo design, creative services, engaging websites, and compelling video projects of all sizes. UNANIMOUS is known for collaborative partnerships and works with various clients nationwide. Our agency prides itself on rhyme, reason, and results.Contact UNANIMOUS to learn more: info@BeUNANIMOUS.com or 402.423.5447